The Artist

I go by Matto. I'll keep this succinct and relevant to this project. I have an MFA in Film and Computer Animation. Although I first started to code when I was like, 5, things got interesting when I discovered processing in the early 2000s when trying to create generative visuals for films.

I worked in education from 2003-2015, and besides that whole out-of-college being an adult, I kept a low profile socially. In 2015 I published some novels and started making custom board games.

Then NFTs happened. I had the seed of the idea for Chainlife in 2018, and in 2020 I started to experiment and learn the skills needed to make it a reality. Since then, I...

  • discovered Art Blocks and released Enso and FOCUS...

  • tried to co-found a next-gen minting platform to support Chainlife (it didn't work out)...

  • retaught myself solidity and launched BLONKS...

  • experimented with smart contract composability / interactivity and launched deFOCUSed and Texture and Hues...

  • and finally, with a talented dev. team, I'm launching Chainlife on my own next-gen platform!

(I'll write more about the platform later, but yeah - I'm literally just getting started here!)

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