Token Tech

Chainlife NFTs are ERC-721 compliant tokens on Ethereum. Matto wrote the smart contract that deviates from a standard token contract in a few ways:

  • Transfers are counted for every token

  • The prior owner of every token is tracked.

  • There are two pieces of user-settable pieces of on-chain data:

    • Level Shift allows owners to adjust the world-level their token lives on.

    • Custom Rule allows owners to set the ruleset that control their token's population.

  • A custom minting function checks ownership of Matto's Art Blocks projects, acting as a gate that only allows collectors to mint during that phase.

  • Generative scripts can be stored on-chain, for use to recreate token art

  • A single call to the contract returns all the various information that the generative script requires (token ID, random hash, owner, prior owner, transfer count, shift level, custom rule)

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